Everything About Solana Blinks

Blinks are making waves in the Solana blockchain ecosystem. Find out how they work.
Written by
Jiří Makovský
July 22, 2024
min. read

Blockchain links—Blinks—are gaining traction among Solana ecosystem users. Blinks are a way for users to interact with blockchain technology via a URL, for instance, on social media or even Discord. This offers a vast range of new opportunities for Solana developers and makes interactions much more seamless! In this particular article, we will focus on the non-technical side of Blinks.

Introduction to Solana Actions

Solana Actions represent an important advancement in the blockchain space, aimed at simplifying and optimizing how users interact with the Solana blockchain. Engaging with blockchain technology has traditionally required a certain level of technical expertise, including familiarity with command-line interfaces, complex wallet operations, and intricate smart contract functions. Solana Actions' ambition is to mitigate these challenges by providing a more user-friendly approach.

The core idea behind Solana Actions is to abstract the complexity of blockchain interactions into simple, executable actions that can be triggered with minimal effort—such as with the press of a button. These actions are designed to be intuitive and accessible, permitting one to perform numerous tasks without needing in-depth technical knowledge or experience. Whether you are transferring tokens, executing smart contracts, or participating in governance, Solana Actions provide a streamlined way to get things done on the blockchain.

To be more technical, Actions are standardized APIs that generate transactions on the Solana blockchain. They allow transactions to be previewed, signed, and transmitted across various platforms, including QR codes, buttons, widgets, and websites. Using this feature, developers can integrate blockchain functionalities directly into their applications. Hence, users can perform transactions without leaving their current environment.

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APIs are hosted at publicly accessible URLs, so they are available for any client to interact with via their URLs. After said interaction, they return metadata and something for users to sign, such as a transaction or an authentication message, with their blockchain wallet (almost like a DEX). The Actions API operates through simple GET and POST requests to an Action's URL endpoint, handling responses that conform to the Actions interface.

  • GET request: This request retrieves metadata that provides information about available actions at the URL and an optional list of related actions.
  • POST request: This request returns a signable transaction or message that prompts the user's wallet to sign and execute it either on the blockchain or through another off-chain service.

The ultimate goal is to make blockchain interactions as straightforward as navigating a traditional web application, thus bridging the gap between the technical intricacies of blockchain and the everyday user.

What are Blinks

Blinks are a specific part of the introduced Solana Actions suite. They serve as short, executable URLs that trigger actions on the Solana blockchain. These actions can range from simple transactions to complex smart contract interactions. Blinks encapsulate all necessary information to perform a given task so that the users can execute blockchain operations seamlessly through a web browser or other HTTP clients.

The difference between Actions and Blinks is simple—Actions represent a wide range of interactions, while Blinks are only the URL blockchain links. This can be confusing at first.

Blinks function as smart URLs that can encode various blockchain instructions. Each Blink URL is crafted to include all relevant parameters for the action it represents, safeguarding that the execution process is smooth and error-free. This approach significantly lowers the entry barrier for new users, who might otherwise be intimidated by the technicalities and lingo used within blockchain space.

What Does a Blink URL Look Like

Typically, a Blink URL contains the base domain, followed by a path and query parameters that define the action to be performed. Here’s a basic example of what a Blink URL might look like:


In this example:

  • https://solana-action.com/execute: The base domain and path indicating the execution of an action.
  • type=transfer: Specifies the type of action, in this case, a transfer of tokens.
  • to=recipient_address: Denotes the recipient’s wallet address.
  • amount=10: Indicates the number of tokens to be transferred.

This structure ensures that the URL includes all necessary details for the action. Even someone just using the internet can figure it out.

Additional parameters can be included in the URL to cover various aspects of the more complex operation. For instance, if the action involves interacting with a smart contract, the URL might contain information about the contract address, the function to be called, and any necessary arguments. Despite the increased complexity, the Blink URL remains a straightforward, single-line command that can be executed with a click.

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Examples of Blinks use cases

Blinks have a massive range of use cases. Those will probably increase as more people start using Actions. 

Token Transfers

One of Blinks' most straightforward applications is transferring tokens between two wallets. A Blink URL can encapsulate the recipient’s address and the amount to be transferred, allowing Solana users to initiate transfers with a simple click.


This use case is handy for everyday transactions, like sending payments to friends, paying for services, or donating to your favorite streamer. The whole process is much easier.

Smart Contract Execution

Blinks can trigger smart contract functions by including the necessary parameters in the URL. This can be particularly useful for apps that require user interaction, such as decentralized exchanges.


This capability enables developers to create interactive dApps where users can effortlessly interact with smart contracts. Whether participating in a decentralized finance (DeFi) protocol, playing a blockchain-based game, or utilizing a decentralized identity service, Blinks streamlines it.

Staking Operations

Users can delegate their tokens to a Solana validator node through a Blink URL.


By using a simple URL, one can easily delegate their tokens to validators, participate in securing the network, and earn staking rewards.

Voting in Governance

In decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), stakeholders vote on development proposals. Blinks can facilitate this by encapsulating the voting action and relevant parameters.


Governance is a critical component of decentralized blockchain ecosystems. Blinks make it easier for users to participate in governance processes. Votes are recorded accurately and efficiently, which democratizes decision-making.

The Dialect registry

The Dialect registry manages and verifies Blinks. It acts as a decentralized directory where Blinks are registered, ensuring their authenticity and integrity. The database records all valid Blinks and their associated actions, providing key security and trust.

With the Dialect registry, users can verify that a Blink URL is legitimate and has not been tampered with. This is essential for maintaining the reliability of operations conducted through Blinks, especially in scenarios involving significant financial transactions or sensitive data.

The Dialect registry operates on the principles of transparency. It allows users to inspect and audit the registered Blinks so everyone can check for themselves that they meet the necessary security standards and are free from malicious modifications. This trustless verification process fosters user confidence and promotes widespread adoption.

Moreover, the Dialect registry can facilitate the creation and distribution of new Blinks by providing a platform for developers to register their Blinks and share them with the community.


Solana Actions, particularly Blinks, make blockchain technology more accessible and user-friendly. Encapsulating complex actions within simple URLs is a considerable step for adoption; Blinks democratize the use of blockchain. Coupled with the security provided by the Dialect registry, Blinks offer a powerful tool for easily executing a wide range of blockchain operations. More Actions and use cases will surely come, and we are here for it!

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