Web3's Favorite
Blockchain API

The go-to blockchain data API for Web3 developers.

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Get the Data You Need
Reliably and Fast

Indexed Block Data
at Your Fingertips

Easily retrieve complexed blockchain data indexed in a way that's easy to search, handle, and prepared to use in your app.

100+ Supported Protocols

Whichever chain's data you need to access, we have it indexed for you to use instantly.

Reliable Webhook Notifications

Ensure that blockchain events are tracked real-time and reliably with simple to use webhooks.

Trusted by Leading Web3 Apps

Reliability and speed is essential to blockchain applications. This is why blockchain devs choose Tatum.

"Tatum helps us build robust product solutions in a fraction of the time."
zac barron

Zac Barron
Product Lead at Binance

"Building a product in the crypto space is hard. Making it work reliably across chains - even harder. Tatum helped us meet our deadline."
david spiltzer

David Spitzer-Dulagan
CTO at Limewire

"Tatum accelerates our web3 development."
hitoshi harada

Hitoshi Harada
Co-founder & CPO at Alpaca

Gain Advanced Usage Insights,

Tatum gives you a powerful Dashboard to track how your app is used.

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