Mint Tokens With Tatum

We'll guide you through a simple step by step process for minting ERC20 Ethereum Sepolia tokens using Tatum. To mint on other chains - check out our documentation.


Start here - by connecting your MetaMask wallet


Now create a unique token name and a token symbol

Next set the token decimals and its circulating supply

Token decimals will inform how the token price will be displayed and its circulating supply is the number of tokens that will be made available to trade.


Last - let's mint your token on chain

What next?

Adding Liquidity to Your Token

Providing liquidity to a token involves participating in a liquidity pool on a decentralized finance (DeFi) platform, such as Uniswap or SushiSwap. To start, you need to choose a platform and decide on a token pair you want to support, like ETH/DAI. After selecting a platform, connect a compatible wallet. Before you can provide liquidity, you must acquire an equal value of each token in the chosen pair. Once you have the necessary tokens, you can navigate to the "Pool" or "Liquidity" section of the DeFi platform, where you will be guided to add your tokens by entering the amounts you wish to contribute.

After approving the transaction through your wallet, which allows the platform to access your tokens, you confirm the transaction to officially add your tokens to the pool. In exchange, the platform issues you Liquidity Provider (LP) tokens, representing your share in the pool. These LP tokens can be used to reclaim your contributed liquidity and any accumulated trading fees from the pool. It's crucial to regularly monitor your investment, as providing liquidity comes with risks, such as impermanent loss, which occurs if the price ratio of your token pair changes unfavorably. If you decide to remove your liquidity, you can redeem your LP tokens to retrieve your initial tokens along with any earned fees based on your pool share. Always ensure to understand the risks and market conditions before committing to provide liquidity.

Review Your Token Contract

Reviewing a token contract, particularly for Ethereum-based smart contracts, is an essential step for anyone planning to invest, provide liquidity, or launch a token. The process begins with a fundamental understanding of smart contracts and their specific standards, such as ERC-20 for fungible tokens and ERC-721 for non-fungible tokens. Next, accessing the contract's source code is crucial; this can typically be done on platforms like Etherscan, where you can search using the token’s address. It’s important to verify that the source code on Etherscan matches the deployed bytecode on the blockchain to ensure authenticity.

Once you have the code, a thorough read-through is necessary. Focus on the tokenomics to understand how the token supply is managed and whether there are functions that can change the supply. Check for ownership and administrative controls which may allow certain addresses, often the contract owner, to have special privileges such as minting new tokens, pausing transactions, or upgrading the contract. Also, closely examine the transfer mechanisms to see how token transfers are handled, noting any potential restrictions or functionalities such as the ability to blacklist addresses or freeze assets.

This comprehensive approach helps in identifying any areas that might be vulnerable or misaligned with your expectations, ensuring that you are making an informed decision about engaging with the token contract.

How does the token minting back-end work?

It's simple - the Tatum SDK reduces the code to mint tokens to just a few lines and uses a standard ERC20 token contract. Here's the code below for you to test.

See the Pen Marketing: Mint a Token by devrel (@tatum-devrel) on CodePen.